- Saturday, May 10, 2014

Last year, the sultan of Brunei came to visit President Obama. While Obama treats our allies like our enemies, he described the sultan as his “good friend.”

Things change so quickly in a year.

The sultan of Brunei implemented Islamic law on that Pacific nation this week.

The left, for once, is outraged by Islam. Under Islamic law, homosexuals and adulterers are stoned to death. Under Islamic law, women are at best second-class citizens and at worst little more than property. Under Islamic law Christians are at best second-class citizens and at worst martyred for their faith.

The Left Coast went into full rebellion on this issue this week as protesters assembled around and picketed the historic Beverly Hills Hotel, which is owned by the sultan.

A number of events scheduled for that hotel have been canceled, and some are being rescheduled at other hotels.

While the outrage is focused on the Beverly Hills Hotel, there is another area where Brunei has a great economic opportunity, if America allows it.

Brunei is a part of the negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a free trade agreement that would be the most ambitious such agreement to date.

The TPP is being negotiated in secret, so we do not know everything that is in the proposed agreement. What has been revealed through leaks is that most of the document does not deal with trade, and it would create tremendous advantages for nations that sign the TPP when they compete in American markets.

The Obama Regime wants Brunei to be a part of the TPP.

If the TPP is signed and ratified here in America, that means the sultan of Brunei, who just imposed Islamic law on his nation, will have incredible trading advantages, even against American companies, here in the United States.

What is wrong with this picture?

Why are we giving these benefits to a nation that says it will stone homosexuals and people caught committing adultery? Why are we giving benefits to a nation that says in its legal code that it is a capital crime for a Muslim to convert to Christianity? Why are we rolling out the red carpet for a nation that now treats women as simply the property of men?

Much has been written about the TPP and whether it is a good idea, but here is something everyone can agree on. If the TPP is to move forward, Brunei should not be included in it.

For TPP to pass, first Obama needs what is called Trade Promotion Authority or “fast track.” Once the treaty is negotiated, it must be passed by the Senate. Every American who is outraged by the imposition of Islamic law and the way it treats people, should contact their congressmen and senators. Tell them that if Brunei remains in the Trans Pacific Partnership, you want them to vote against the treaty and against any fast track authority for Obama to negotiate that treaty.

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