- Saturday, March 8, 2014

CPAC 2014 straw poll results:

31     KY Senator Rand Paul
11     TX Senator Ted Cruz
9       Neurosurgeon Ben Carson
8       NJ Governor Chris Christie
7       Former PA Senator Rick Santorum
7       WI Governor Scott Walker
6       FL Senator Marco Rubio
3       TX Governor Rick Perry
3       WI Congressman Paul Ryan
2       Former AR Governor Mike Huckabee
2       LA Governor Bobby Jindal
2       Former AK Governor Sarah Palin
2       Former Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice
1       Former IN Governor Mitch Daniels
1       OH Governor John Kasich
1       IN Governor Mike Pence
1       OH Senator Rob Portman
1       SD Senator John Thune
1       Business Executive Donald Trump
1       Former FL Congressman Allen West
*       NH Senator Kelly Ayotte
*       KS Governor Sam Brownback
*       SC Governor Nikki Haley
*       NM Governor Susana Martinez
*       SC Senator Tim Scott

• Staff can be reached at 202-636-3000.

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