- Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I recently received the 2014 Republican Platform Survey from the Republican National Committee, asking what is important to me as a Republican. The survey covered all the important issues facing us today and for our children tomorrow.

It also asked for a contribution to help the Republican Party take over the Senate, keep the House and elect a Republican president in 2016. My response was simply “no.” I will not complete the survey, and I will not send a contribution.

Over the past several years, I have received and completed numerous surveys like this one from the national and state-level Republican parties, and the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

They know what I think because I have told them numerous times. I have also contributed to them.

However, I will not donate any more money until the Republican Party has the courage to stand for what used to be Republican and conservative principles.

These include smaller government, lower taxes, reduced crippling government regulations, a strong defense, reduced government spending and the repeal of Obamacare.

No more until the Republican Party stands up to the Obama administration. No more until they can clearly articulate unified policies on job creation, immigration reform, not increasing the debt, real entitlement reform, and replacing Obamacare with meaningful changes to our health care system.

I keep hearing Republicans and some conservative commentators talk about the good chance the GOP has of winning the Senate in 2014 and the White House in 2016. Based on what I have been hearing from the Republican Party, I don’t think so.

I can’t help but think back to the months and weeks leading up to the 2012 presidential elections when we heard Karl Rove, Dick Morris and Bill O’Reilly talk about how we were certain to win the presidency and the Senate.

They said there was no way any thinking person, other than die-hard liberals, would vote for President Obama after such a disastrous first term and horrible economic projections for a second term. Yet If I recall, the Democrat base showed up to vote and too many Republicans stayed home. Sadly I see the same scenario playing out again this year and in 2016.

Surveys like the 2014 Republican Platform Survey are useless unless acted upon by a strong, committed party that is ready to listen to its constituency and fight. But you can’t win a war if you don’t know who you are or why you are fighting.

So please, no more surveys — and no more contributions. I hate to see my opinions and money go to a party that doesn’t know itself.



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