- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Even the liberal-leaning Washington Post finds President Obama’s foreign policy nonsensical, issuing a scathing commentary penned by its editorial board that called the current White House’s expectations from other nations a “fantasy.”

The editorial board’s exact words: “President Obama has led a foreign policy based more on how he thinks the world should operate than on reality. It was a world in which the ’tide of war is receding’ and the United States could, without much risk, radically reduce the size of its armed forces.”

But it was the Washington Post’s headline choice that spoke loudest: “President Obama’s foreign policy is based on fantasy.”

The commentary then goes on to say that while the ways of waging war have changed in recent decades — as Mr. Obama claims — the fact is that international disputes still exist, and other leaders do put the pursuit of power above the needs of their people.

And speaking of Russia President Vladimir Putin, China leader Xi Jinping and Syrian head Bashar Assad, the Washington Post opined that “these men will not be deterred by the disapproval of their peers, the weight of world opinion or even disinvesment by Silicon Valley companies. They are concerned primarily with maintaining their holds on power.”

The editorial writers also say that some American allies around the world who have sought U.S. intervention have been left in the cold by the current administration.

“None of those neighbors feel confident that the United States can be counted on,” the editorial went on. “Since the Syrian dictator crossed Mr. Obama’s red line with a chemical weapons attack that killed 1,400 civilians, the dictator’s military and diplomatic position has steadily strengthened.”

The Washington Post writers said they’re not pressing for more U.S. military intervention — but at the same time, that “the United States can’t pretend that the only game is in another arena.” And key elements for a successful U.S. foreign policy, they wrote: “Military strength, trustworthiness as an ally, staying power in difficult corners opt the world … these still matter.”

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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