- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Police have arrested four men they say took part in a brazen jump from the top of One World Trade Center and charged them with reckless endangerment and burglary.

The arrests of James Brady, Kyle Hartwell, Marko Markovich and Andrew Rossig went forth on Monday, though the actual jumps occurred in September, New York Police Department Commissioner William Bratton told CNN.

“These men violated the law and placed themselves, as well as others, in danger,” he said, in a statement reported by CNN. “These arrests should send a message to anyone thinking about misusing a landmark this way.”

On Sept. 30, the four reportedly climbed atop the structure and parachuted more than 1,300 feet, their attorney, Timothy Parlatore, said to press. Mr. Parlatore said he served as lookout at the base of the structure while the jump went forth.

“They were very professional, very controlled,” he said, CNN reported. “There was nothing haphazard or reckless about it.”

But he also admitted his clients sneaked into the facility through a hole in the fence.

“One of the first things my client said to me was that how surprised he was at how there was no security whatsoever,” Mr. Parlatore said, in CNN. “How easy it was to just walk right up there in, something that the mayor has just recently described as the No. 1 terrorist target in the world.”

The four men have also been charged with jumping from a structure, Mr. Bratton said in his statement.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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