- The Washington Times - Monday, March 24, 2014

Everyone in America is equal.

Just some are more equal than others.

Just ask a liberal.

The latest example in liberal extra-equality comes from the left coast. Mireille Miller-Young is a professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara.  According to the University of California at Santa Barbara website, her areas of expertise are: Pornography; Sex Work; Black Film, Popular Culture and Art; Feminist & Queer Theory; African American & African Diaspora Studies; Visual Archives; New Media; Ethnography; Oral History.  And according to the website, her doctoral dissertation was entitled, “A Taste for Brown Sugar: The History of Black Women in American Pornography.”

On March 4, pro-life demonstrators held signs and offered informational brochures in the school’s so-called “free speech zone.”  While 16-year-old Thrin Short was participating in this exercise of her First Amendment rights, Ms. Miller-Young and some of her students approached Ms. Short and challenged her.

There would not have been a problem if the challenge had been limited to a discourse on the pros and cons of abortion. 

But that is never good enough for a liberal.  Liberals cannot allow another opinion to be expressed.

Keeping with good liberal orthodoxy, the student began chanting to tear the sign down.  The feminist studies professor took the sign from Ms. Short, and in an altercation that followed, the 16-year-old suffered minor injuries.

Once Ms. Miller-Young got back to her office, she destroyed the sign.  She has been charged with theft, battery and vandalism.

Ms. Miller-Young, as of now, has not been suspended from her job as a professor nor has the University taken any public action against her. 

There are a lot of questions real Americans have about this. 

Let’s start with a basic.  Why is there a professor of pornography at a state-sponsored university?  Forget the moral issue for a moment.  Students are having great difficulties paying for college.  They are leaving college with staggering amounts of debt.  Why does Ms. Miller-Young even have a job as a college professor?

When students are having trouble paying for school so they can have meaningful degrees, such as degrees in business, engineering, science, math, technology and pre-med or pre-law, why is the University of California at Santa Barbara wasting money on a feminist studies program?

Ms. Miller-Young claimed she had the “moral right” to act the way she did.  She has the moral right to silence an opinion she disagrees with?

Ms. Miller-Young isn’t some random lunatic walking the streets.  She is a state employee.  America’s founding fathers created the First Amendment to keep people like Ms. Miller-Young from silencing speech they disagree with. 

Perhaps the most important question is why this professor still has a job.  There is no dispute about what happened.  Video of the event was posted on YouTube Ms. Miller-Young can be heard taunting the teenager.

Tragically, events like this are not uncommon.  At universities across the nation, conservatives are at best harassed and at worst flatly discriminated against and often silenced by the so-tolerant left.

California is a state that is totally dominated by the far left.  In another state, some sane action might be taken against Ms. Miller-Young. 

The California criminal justice system will, at best, slap her on the wrist.  She will be a celebrity on the feminist circuit and this fall, she will continue to earn her living off of the backs of California’s taxpayers and students.

Every Californian and every American should be outraged by her actions. Unfortunately, the silence from the left side of the political spectrum will be deafening.  

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