- The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A video of an Egyptian woman calling on President Obama to keep quiet and get out of Egypt’s politics has gone viral, sparking spin-off t-shirts and Photoshopped spoofs.

The main message: “Shut up your mouth, Obama,” The Blaze reported.

The video seems as if it had been shot during a protest in the streets, and the featured woman — dressed in a turquoise hijab — is taped speaking in both English and Arabic.

“I’d like to convey the following message to Obama,” she said, in the video. “Listen, Obama. We are Egyptian women. You are listen, Obama? Shut up your mouth, Obama. Shut up your mouth, Obama.”

And in Arabic, translated by the Media Research Institute, she said: “Our message to you, you donkey: No matter what you do, we will nnot restore the ousted president [Mohammed Morsi]. Al-Sisi, yes. Al-Sisi, yes. Morsi, no. Morsi, no.”

A remix of the woman’s voice has since been made into a remix that includes funky, techno music and a mock of her mantra: “Shut up your mouse, Obama.”

Meanwhile, other online sites have Photoshopped a picture of Mr. Obama onto a screen shot of the video, so it appears as if he’s watching intently as she speaks, The Blaze reported.

And one more offshoot: A t-shirt with the message, “Shut up your mouse, Obama!” has been making the market rounds at select online sites.


• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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