- Tuesday, March 11, 2014

There is an increasingly intolerant element of our society that is attempting to deny Americans their First Amendment right to “offend” the sensibilities of Muslims.

This was clear in 2012 when there were protests and violence throughout the Middle East over the Internet video “Innocence of Muslims,” which ridiculed the Prophet Muhammad.

President Obama himself, then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton all wrongly blamed the video for the deadly terrorist attacks in Beghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, that killed four Americans. The Obama administration covered up the truth and misled the American people.

In the aftermath of the attacks, the administration distanced itself from the Internet video and instead shamefully appeased the angry Muslim mobs in the streets who were perpetrating anti-American violence.

In doing so the administration clearly appeared more concerned with upholding Islamic Shariah’s “blasphemy” law than defending the U.S. Constitution. It intentionally avoided an opportunity to educate the world on the greatness of our fundamental rights and protection of free expression of speech.

The First Amendment right of our citizens was subordinated by an avalanche of appeasing and apologetic tones enunciated by our government officials, but why the failure to defend our Constitution, unless there was a greater desire to sacrifice and undermine the sanctity of these rights in exchange for a pandering subscription to an intolerant article of Shariah law?

Was the Obama administration engaging in the seditious act of weakening the Constitution by undermining one of the document’s first principles?

One must ask why leftists and progressives such as Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Clinton, Attorney General Eric H. Holder and Mr. Obama fail to vigorously object to the speech of those who offend the religious beliefs of Christians and other non-Muslims — while being critical and intolerant of free speech that may be offensive to Muslims.

What connects these Shariah-compliant Muslims with far-left progressives? This apparent alliance has definite anti-American tones.

Ultimately it must collapse under the inherent intolerance of Shariah law and Shariah’s lethal war against the progressive infidels.


North Las Vegas, Nev.

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