- Monday, March 10, 2014

Clifford D. May’s “Obama’s new world disorder” (Commentary, March 5) hits the proverbial nail on the head.

Namely, the naivete (or is it pure incompetence?) of President Obama and the failure of the “international community” have made this world a very dangerous place. Mr. May’s litany of perilous areas is accurate and forebodes tougher times ahead.

The United Nations has become worse than a dictator’s club. It is a failure and should go the way of the League of Nations. The League was conceived after World War I, but would have very likely been incapable of preventing that war had it been founded before.

The record of the United Nations is abysmal. It has not prevented a single war or brought order out of chaos anywhere. It failed to act when war broke out over its 1948 Partition Plan for Israel and an Arab state.

It failed to prevent the Korean War, the Vietnam War, genocide in Sudan and Rwanda, North Korea’s threat to peace and Iran’s drive for nuclear capability.

Only America’s previous history of leadership and initiatives over the years has prevented even worse catastrophes. Now even this is nonexistent.

It is time to abolish the United Nations. America contributes more than $7 billion a year, not counting special contributions, to this body. It has been a waste of the taxpayer money.

Having the United Nations in existence provides a false sense of security that somehow wars will be prevented and lions will lie down with lambs. That’s not going to happen.

America needs to re-evaluate its role in a world fraught with so many dangers — and investigate formation of a true international organization, primarily democracies, bound together to achieve world peace.



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