- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 26, 2014

Rep. Michele Bachmann and Fox News host Neil Cavuto exchanged some angry fire during a recently broadcast show over the feasibility and sense of Speaker John Boehner’s announced lawsuit against President Obama.

Mr. Cavuto called the suit a “waste of time” and a “charade,” The Blaze reported. Ms. Bachmann, on the other hand, saw otherwise, claiming that Mr. Obama’s tries to “establish lawlessness in the United States” was a huge matter of concern.

On that note, Mr. Cavuto put forth: “You’ve been bemoaning [his lawlessness] for a long time. Why now the suit? Why not just fix things that are very, very wrong now rather than dragging someone to court over whether they overstepped their bounds? It just seems to me like an enormous effort,” The Blaze reported.

Ms. Bachmann said she couldn’t comment on Mr. Boehner’s timing for the suit filing, but said it nonetheless aptly captures the tone of frustration the American public has adopted toward the White House.

Mr. Cavuto then asked where Ms. Bachmann’s “rage” was during Democrats’ push to condemn former President George Bush for his “same use of executive orders,” The Blaze reported.

He went on, The Blaze said: “Because I think you knew then that was a waste of time then. I think you know in your hearts this is a waste of time now.”

Ms. Bachmann shortly after offered that her congressional colleagues could “defund” the executive branch — and that’s when Mr. Cavuto really lost his composure.

“Well, think about what you’re saying,” he nearly shouted, The Blaze reported. “Defund the executive branch, congresswoman. I think Democrats will be in their right mind to laugh you out now.”

Ms. Bachmann reminded that Congress still has the “power of the purse,” and that the Constitution allots lawmakers that role for a reason. She added: Congress ought also to “impeach the elected officials who have broken the law,” The Blaze reported.

Mr. Cavuto’s response: “Man, oh man. Rome is burning, and you’re filing.”

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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