- Tuesday, June 24, 2014


So this is what the promise of amnesty looks like.

“Death trains” rumbling through Mexico teeming with children, headed for the U.S. border. Teenage girls raped. Unspeakable violence at the hands of ruthless coyotes, carrying out President Obama’s stunningly reckless new foreign policy.

Of course, Mr. Obama did not issue a formal edict inviting each of the tens of thousands of children pouring over the border from Mexico. He didn’t have to. His executive action legalizing underage illegals in the U.S. was all the invitation they needed. And come they did.

At this hot pace, we will have more than a quarter-million orphaned children on the border by the end of next year — each and every one the sole responsibility of Mr. Obama.

Actions have consequences, Mr. President. And executive actions have executive consequences. You are personally responsible for the harrowing condition of every one of these children. You are personally responsible for ripping apart every single one of these families.

SEE ALSO: Obama blames Republicans for poor border security

Mr. Obama and congressional Democrats have pursued amnesty for illegals hoping for millions of indentured voters — poor new Americans they believe will feel obligated to vote for Democrats for decades to come. Yes, a sick political gambit.

But the underlying immigration and foreign policies will be devastating.

Under this kind of open-borders lunacy, America’s immigration policy is no longer about what is best for America and Americans. Under Mr. Obama, America’s immigration policy is about what is best for everybody in the world — except America.

This posture turns the Bush-Cheney foreign doctrine completely on its head. Their philosophy was that the U.S. should fight terrorists abroad so that we don’t have to fight them on American soil.

The Nobel Prize-winning Obama-Biden foreign policy is to just take the absolute worst problems from all around the world and bring them here. We can’t handle them either, but let’s just make them our problem.

And what is so amazing about it is that the very people who are hurt the worst under this policy are the various factions of the Democratic Party that put Mr. Obama and his political allies in power in the first place. Countless studies have shown that such a mass influx of poor workers will hurt mainly blacks, unions, other Hispanics and the working poor. Pretty much the only ones to benefit from amnesty will be business owners and big corporations hungry for cheap labor.

SEE ALSO: Rick Perry warns of ‘trail of tears’ in desert deaths of illegal kid border crossers

Efforts to sweep the problem under the rug have blown up in the administration’s face.

A former monastery in the heart of Obama country outside Chicago was identified as a good place to house the illegal orphans. The Chicago media went along and kept the story hush-hush until word leaked and an Illinois blog posted a story about it. After a firestorm over social media, the plan was scrapped.

Another effort met a similar demise after the administration and their Democratic allies in the Senate quietly plotted to house the illegal orphans at a shuttered school in rural Brunswick County, Virginia. More than 1,000 people showed up at a meeting to protest.

That is a pretty adamant showing for a town of fewer than 1,500 residents — and pretty scary for Democrats, considering that Mr. Obama carried Brunswick County by more than 25 percentage points in 2012.

As one resident told representatives of the federal government: “Please take your [unaccompanied alien children] and relocate them to D.C., where you can keep a very close eye on their welfare and keep them out of our backyard.”

Charles Hurt can be reached at charleshurt@live.com and on Twitter @charleshurt.

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