- Saturday, June 14, 2014

Friday afternoon is the black hole of news. The Obama Regime loves to release bad news on Friday afternoons. They know the compliant Obama media will bury the stories, and the impact will be minimal.

Friday afternoon, the Obama Regime released some bad news. They had two goals in releasing this information on Friday afternoon. First, they did not want the news to get any traction, and, second, they did not want anyone asking too many questions.

The news was that the IRS could not produce two years of Lois Lerner’s emails about the IRS targeting of tea party groups because the computers had crashed and wiped out those emails.

They should have just claimed the presidential dog had eaten the emails. It would have been more credible.

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has demanded those emails for a year. Rep. Jason Chaffetz, Utah Republican and a committee member, was outraged. He tweeted a video from a previous hearing in which an IRS official said those emails were “archived.”

There is one and only one inescapable conclusion from what has happened. Those emails the committee wanted are very damning. They most likely show criminal activity at the highest levels of the Obama Regime. This may go all the way to the Oval Office.

The Obama Regime simply expects the American people to acknowledge and accept this as the truth without thinking. This makes the 18-minute gap in the Watergate tapes look like an exercise in honesty.

Modern IT systems for large organizations like the IRS and the federal government are designed to make this all but impossible. Data are over different hard drives, and there are several backups. Then old data are archived.

Essentially the only way those emails could be totally lost is for someone to delete them.

Deleting those emails is a criminal offense.

Attorney General Eric Holder will not investigate this because those emails may well show criminal activity in the Justice Department, perhaps by Holder himself.

Obama will not appoint a special prosecutor, leaving the Republicans in the House, and presumably the Senate next year, few options.

The House could impeach Obama, but he would never be removed from office. Obama could confess in a nationally televised speech to having ordered the persecution of tea party groups by the IRS. Even then, most Democrats in the Senate would not vote to remove him from office. Since impeachment requires a two-thirds vote, that would be impossible.

The answer is the House of Representatives should defund the Justice Department until Obama appoints a special prosecutor. If that does not work, defund all of Obama’s travel budget. If he wants to leave the White House, then he will need to call Enterprise Car Rental.

It is no shock that there is criminal activity in the Obama Regime. What is shocking is the lack of courage from the Republican leadership in Washington to do something about it.

Here’s a hint to the Republicans. The people the Obama Regime went after are your base. The Democrats go to the mat protecting their base.

Why won’t you?

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