- Tuesday, June 10, 2014

First, we witnessed the incongruity of Secretary of State John F. Kerry blustering that Edward Snowden was a coward if he didn’t “man up” — a juvenile, misogynistic taunt that would have provoked media outrage had it been issued by a Republican. Then State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf breathlessly instructed us to believe Google, rather than our troops on the scene, in the Bergdahl case. Now President Obama flagrantly pops his chewing gum during a solemn D-Day ceremony in France — a deliberate insult to our European allies (“Obama chews gum during D-Day ceremonies, sparks Twitter outrage,” Web, June 6).

As Bette Davis said to Robert Wagner when he introduced her to Frank Zappa’s progeny, “Who are these people?” With apologies to the Zappa clan, “Moon Unit” would better suit Ms. Harf and “Dweezil” would better fit Mr. Kerry.



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