- Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Just off Highway 60, right next to the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport is the Phoenix Greyhound Bus Main Terminal — ground zero for a very dangerous and destructive game being played by the president, Democrats and some Republicans who have sold their souls for favors and votes.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is rightfully mad about planes and buses full of illegal aliens rolling into her state. Who’s flying those planes and driving those buses? Why, the federal government, of course. No serious effort is being made to monitor these illegal immigrants: They’re basically on the “honor system” to check in with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement.

There’s a HUGE humanitarian crisis forming on the southern border. You know how the political establishment (Democrats and Republicans) keep talking about giving amnesty and special benefits to the young illegal immigrants they describe as “Dreamers,” so called because of the DREAM Act, which couldn’t get through Congress? You know how President Obama loves to talk about how he’ll take matters into his own hands and suspend immigration laws if Congress doesn’t give him what he wants?

Well, people in Central and South America heard all that, loud and clear. So they started bringing young children, or sending them unaccompanied by adults, to the U.S. border by the thousands. A woman from Guatemala who made it across the Rio Grande with her 6-year-old daughter said the message back in her country, spread by news media and word of mouth, is “go to America with your child, you won’t be turned away.”

Our government doesn’t know what to do with them all and seems SHOCKED that this problem has magically appeared. They’ve got kids piled up in cells, sleeping on plastic boards. There’s no way to send them back home because a lot of them come from South American countries ripped apart by violent drug gangs.

So Washington decided to start farming the refugees out to different states, dropping a THOUSAND of them on Arizona over the weekend, without warning. Gov. Brewer complained, but the feds told her there will be plenty more where that came from, including unaccompanied children and entire families. And don’t you think it’s just a bit of an F.U. to Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Gov. Brewer, (of course it is).

“This is a crisis of the federal government’s creation, and the fact that the border remains unsecure — now apparently intentionally — while this operation continues full-steam ahead is deplorable,” said Gov. Brewer.

Even if you don’t live in a border state, don’t worry — you’ll get to chip in and pay for President Obama’s immigration policy. The White House wants you to cough up $1.4 billion in additional funding to deal with the new tidal wave of illegals. Isn’t it great how the government creates problems and then uses them as an excuse for more spending?

And of course, we’ll be told the only solution is to grant them all amnesty and give them citizenship as quickly as possible. See, we American voters no longer have anything to say about citizenship, immigration policy, or border security.

This is wrong and EVERY politician who is behind it needs to lose his cushy job immediately! So, now they’re here, what?! Would you like us to start the amnesty process right away? Should we speed it up in time for those votes to be counted in 2016? The answer for these shortsighted sellouts is not just no but hell no! Not only are we encouraging people to come and take jobs during the worst economy since the Great Depression, but we also are telling them our laws are a joke.

I have spent a great deal of time on our borders. I can tell you, the majority of illegals crossing do not care about you or your job, nor do they care they are hurting the our economy, and they fully believe that you should pay for their food, clothing, shelter, education and medical bills … and, of course, you owe their children “citizenship” and a sweet education.

It’s time we stop being forced to take care of the problems coming from Mexico and other countries south of the border. These are leftist nations, and like most leftist nations, their governments don’t work well. According to the 2013 IMF “World Richest Countries List” based on GDP, the U.S. is No. 1 and Mexico comes in at No. 10! That’s above Italy (11), South Korea (12) and Canada (13) It is way past time we as a republic grow a backbone and just say no!

Hey Mexico, Guatemala and you other moocher nations — fix your own dang problems! Figure out how to distribute your own wealth, take care of your own people and get your crime situation under control! We have enough problems in our country with our leftist president to spend our time and treasure taking care of you!

It’s not racist and it’s not mean. We have a responsibility to OUR children to leave them a country with a working economy, available jobs and a common language, no matter what color they are!

If you think I’m wrong, please comment here at The Washington Times. I can’t wait to hear your explanation of why we should destroy our nation and economy, so billionaires and their puppet politicos in other countries can live the sweet life and let us take care of their problems for them.

Until our next briefing, this is The Rusty Humphries Rebellion!

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