- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 31, 2014

DENVER — The Democrats’ “war on women” strategy may resonate with liberals, but it’s losing ground with crucial female swing voters in Colorado, said a poll released this week.

A whopping 77 percent of women voters surveyed agree that they “clearly see through the so-called Democrat ’War on Women’ messaging strategy,” according to Magellan Strategies in Louisville, Colo.

The poll also found that 67 percent of those surveyed “do not fear a government bureaucrat taking birth control away from them, but what they fear are politicians using the issue of ’access to birth control’ as a political tactic to scare them into voting a certain way.’”

The survey was conducted on behalf of the right-leaning Colorado Women’s Alliance, but those polled weren’t dedicated Republicans. The June 3-4 poll contacted 500 women identified as registered independents, Republican-leaning independents, and “soft” Republican voters.

CWA Executive Director Debbie Brown said the poll asked women “what is on their hearts and minds, and it is not women’s reproductive rights.”

“Women — working women, single moms, college students, grandmothers — are worried about the rising cost of living and the tremendous uncertainty in the job market,” said Ms. Brown in a statement. “Women are not single-issue voters. What real women want to talk about is the issues that touch their lives.”

SEE ALSO: Planned Parenthood strikes ‘pro-choice’ label in favor of ‘women’s health’

The Senate Majority PAC and other Democratic committees have flogged Republican candidates for months with “war on women” television ads in key states, including Colorado and North Carolina.

The ads haven’t done much to move the numbers in Colorado, where polls show Democratic Sen. Mark Udall and Republican Rep. Cory Gardner remain locked in a statistical tie.

“With all the ads on the television talking about birth control, you would think that was the top issue on the minds of women today,” Ms. Brown said. “You would be wrong.”

For example, only 34 percent of respondents said they believe “the government should pay for birth control for women,” while 61 percent disagreed, according to Magellan, a Republican polling firm.

The results also found that 60 percent of those polled “oppose federal funding of abortion,” while just 33 percent support it.

• Valerie Richardson can be reached at vrichardson@washingtontimes.com.

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