- Tuesday, July 29, 2014

To err is human but to really blow it, you need the Republican Party.

Anyone who has ever studied politics can tell you one simple truth of political science. If you can find an issue that three quarters of the people agree on, you should agree with it too.

Seventy-seven percent of Americans agree that illegal aliens should be deported.

Over three-quarters of Americans agree that illegal aliens should be returned to their homes. Where are members of the GOP on this issue?

They are AWOL. They don’t want to pick a fight with Barack Obama and Harry Reid and they don’t want to make waves.

How could a political party be so stupid?

The only issues scoring higher are Mom and Apple Pie!

Pro-amnesty Republicans are learning the lesson the hard way. Eric Cantor was defeated by Dave Brat on the issue of amnesty. In Tennessee, liberal Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander is seeing his vote for amnesty to come back and haunt him.

Joe Carr is surging in the polls. The No. 1 issue people in Tennessee are complaining about is amnesty. Just a couple of days ago, the federal government dropped almost 800 illegals into Tennessee without telling the state.

The governor found out about it when someone noticed a federal ad for help to support the illegals in Tennessee.

The Republicans think they are going to have a majority in the Senate as well as the House beginning in January 2015.

They may be in for a rude surprise.

The singular issue that is driving conservative voters this year is amnesty. Conservatives are outraged by Mr. Obama’s executive amnesty.  Conservatives want the Republicans to stand up and fight Mr. Obama on this issue.

Three-quarters of Americans oppose amnesty. What does that mean? That means a landslide for the Republican Party if their leadership were bright enough to stand up and fight against the invasion of illegal aliens.

The consultants, who are calling the shots in the Republican Party, are telling candidates not to make amnesty an issue.

What are they thinking?

Are they undercover Democrats being paid to tank the Republican Party?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Democrats want amnesty so they can create a permanent majority. If the GOP is unwilling to fight against amnesty, what good is the Republican Party?

In the next few days, Mr. Obama is going to make some sweeping moves to grant amnesty by executive order. Americans are waiting for someone to stand up and fight against him.

If the Republican Party won’t do it, then there may be very little reason for conservatives to go to the polls in November. The majority that the Republicans crave in the Senate may simply fade away.

It will be another chance the GOP has that it manages to blow.

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