- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Two polls just released show a gathering storm for President Obama.

These two new surveys indicate that not only do voters think former Governor Mitt Romney — the 2012 Republican presidential nominee — would have been a better president than Barack Obama, but a big majority also thinks Obama is the worst president in seventy years.

For all of you Watergate-obsessed leftists, that time frame includes Richard Nixon. And for all of you still afflicted with Bush Derangement Syndrome, it also includes George W. Bush. The horror! The horror!

Nearly universally, polling shows Mr. Obama’s job approval rating falling, and more and more voters are expressing buyers’ remorse about him.

Troops being sent into Iraq by the anti-Iraq war president as the region convulses with a massive new jihadi offensive, a sharp contraction of the U.S. economy in the first quarter, joblessness and wages stagnant, a major crisis on the southern border, the IRS targeting scandal and subsequent cover-up, major defeats at the Supreme Court, Obamacare, his signature “achievement,” continuing to spiral into catastrophe….it all adds up to a president drowning in his own corruption and failures.

Voters don’t like a drowning president. They like one fully attentive and in control of domestic and global events. This president clearly is not.

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That’s driving a plurality of voters into the arms of Mr. Romney, a year and a half too late.

According to a new Quinnipiac University poll, 45 percent say the country would have been better off if Mr. Romney had been elected, while just 38 percent say Mr. Obama is still the way to go. Even Democrats are heading for the tall grass: just 74 percent of them told the pollsters Mr. Obama was the better choice in the last election.

Quinnipiac also found that voters believe Mr. Obama is the worst president since World War II, topping both his predecessor and the president perennially ranked the “worst,” Richard Nixon, both of whom left office under shadows of staggering unpopularity.

“Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac poll. It took Mr. Bush eight years to reach that point. For Mr. Obama, just a little over six.

At the same time, a Zogby Analytics Poll just released also found Mr. Obama sliding to 44 percent job approval, while his disapproval jumped 4 points from last month to 54 percent. Gallup places him at 40 percent approval, 54 percent disapproval.

Even more disturbingly, nearly half of voters told the Zogby poll that  Mr. Obama is “unable to lead the country.”

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He has lost the confidence of many of the American people. If this were a parliamentary system, there would be a no-confidence vote and a call for new elections.

But we’ve got a republic — or used to, anyway.

Can the president bounce back from these atrocious poll numbers and paralytic impotence?

It’s possible but not likely, particularly with the last mid-term election of his term approaching quickly. The growing perception is that his presidency is now irretrievably lost.

Let’s just hope America is not lost with it.

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