- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The big moment has arrived for Scott Brown. On Wednesday, he’ll receive the glittering endorsement and kindly nod from Mitt Romney himself as the sun sets upon a picturesque New Hampshire farm, a powerful jumpstart for Mr. Brown’s quest for the U.S. Senate seat in the Granite State.

Mr. Romney once launched his 2012 presidential campaign on that very same farm - not lost on journalists looking to connect the political dots and wonder if there are any implications here. Mr. Romney continues to insist he’s not running for the White House a third time. Period.

On hand to help, meanwhile, and no doubt dressed in rustic casual: former New Hampshire House speaker Doug Scamman, former Gov. John H. Sununu and State Senate president Chuck Morse.

But Mr. Romney, already cited as a “kingmaker” by several major news organizations, has done a little more for Mr. Brown than show up and smile.

“A fund-raiser hosted by 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney helped push Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown’s second-quarter fund-raising total to more than $2 million,” reports New Hampshire Journal, which notes that the mystery event took place in Chicago on Sunday night.

When all is said and done, Mr. Brown seeks to defeat incumbent Sen. Jeanne Shaheen in November. Democrats will have none of it.

“Scott, we have news for you. Mitt Romney has no credibility in New Hampshire,” says the state’s Democratic Party chair Ray Buckley. “We haven’t forgotten his 47 percent comments.”

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