- The Washington Times - Saturday, July 19, 2014

DENVER — Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal kicked off the Western Conservative Summit by telling the crowd that what fears most about President Obama is his push to redefine the American dream.

“If you listen to this president’s policies, if you listen to his rhetoric, you hear a president trying to divide us by class, by geography, by gender, by race,” said Mr. Jindal. “You hear a president talking to us about how government needs to get bigger and more intrusive and more powerful.”

Mr. Obama “describes an America whose best days are already behind us,” said the Republican governor.

The fifth annual summit drew an audience of about 3,000 to the Colorado Convention Center for the three-day event, which began Friday night with speeches from Mr. Jindal, Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee, and columnist Dr. Ben Carson.

Mr. Jindal said the president’s message is far different from the one taught by his parents, who emigrated from India to Louisiana shortly before he was born.

“I don’t know about you, but the American dream I learned about from my parents was never about ending,” said Mr. Jindal. “It was never about class warfare. The American dream I learned about was an America whose best days were always ahead of us.”

PHOTOS: See Obama's biggest White House fails

• Valerie Richardson can be reached at vrichardson@washingtontimes.com.

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