- Tuesday, July 15, 2014

You gotta remember Peggy Joseph! She’s the Florida woman who said after an Obama speech in 2008: “I won’t have to worry about puttin’ gas in my car, I won’t have to worry about payin’ my mortgage.”

Now even SHE has turned on the president and has seen the light shining as bright as the hot sun on a non-man-made globally warm day.

In the upcoming documentary “There’s No Place Like Uopia,” filmmaker Joel Gilbert found Peggy and was surprised to learn that the former Internet phenom is now strongly ANTI-Obama!

Gilbert spoke with her for his documentary, and learned she lives in the suburbs, is a soccer mom with four kids and is working as a nurse. She’s never taken any government freebies in her life and admitted that she had gotten caught up in the historical moment of Barack Obama’s election and wasn’t thinking for herself.

In this just released clip, Peggy Joseph is well-spoken. When asked by Gilbert, “Did Obama pay for your mortgage and did he pay for your gas?” Joseph laughs and replies, “Absolutely not! Mortgage got worse and gas prices got higher … At that time we needed a change but a change for the better not the worse.”

She even compares Obama to “The Wizard Of Oz” — “The little man behind the curtain, not who we thought or expected him to be.”

She said that, after she received attention on the Internet, “I started getting a little more educated about politics, I started reading more. I learned never to trust the Wizard, it’s within ourselves.”

This is the feel good story of the month!

The woman we saw on the Web was the epitome of the brain-washed Obama voter — an unthinking voting machine that cared only about race and what the government could do for her. At the time, she was. Honestly, I can’t believe what I saw in this movie trailer! This is a lesson to all voters in America.

Democrats, Republicans, Greenies, independents — all of us! We must STOP falling victim to these slick politicians or to emotions or to political ads! Those things are all meant to trick you, to lull you into a false sense that this guy or girl is here to take care of you. That government can solve your problems. IT CAN’T!

Peggy Joseph has shown that spending just a little time looking into the issues, using your head and not allowing others to cloud your judgment or worse, think for you (yes, union members, I’m looking at you!), we might actually be able to turn things around in this country.

Peggy, I proud of you for your intellectual honesty and can’t wait to see Joel Gilbert’s new film.

For more info go to https://theresnoplacelikeutopia.com/.

Until our next briefing, this is The Rusty Humphries Rebellion.

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