- The Washington Times - Monday, July 14, 2014

Sen. John McCain took a strong stance on the scores of illegal immigrants who’ve been streaming across the U.S. southern border in recent weeks, telling a CNN audience that authorities should fly them home as quickly as they can.

“There has to be a halt to this,” he said during a talk with CNN “State of the Union” host Candy Crowley on Sunday. “The best way to do that is for planeloads of these young people to be returned to their country of origin.”

Mr. McCain said the situation facing the minor-aged border crossers was “tragic,” but added that “we cannot have an unending flow of children from all over the world, much less Central America, coming into our country,” Newsmax reported.

The Arizona senator said he’s about to bring forth legislation that mandates any illegal immigrant who’s arrested at the border wear ankle monitors so that federal authorities can track them, Newsmax said.

So far, 52,000 illegals have been arrested at the border since October. They’re supposed to be turned over to the Department of Health and Human Services for processing at federal shelters and then turned over to family members with a court date for deportation. But Border Patrol authorities say at least half are skating on their court date — disappearing among the 11 million or so who are already living under the government radar as illegals in this nation, various media reported.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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