- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Mexican judge who heard Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi’s case denied him freedom and ordered him back to jail in a ruling that was handed down early Thursday morning.

Reaction from supporters was swift and critical.

Billionaire businessman and frequent Obama administration critic Donald Trump said on Fox News that the White House could do more to secure the release of Sgt. Tahmooressi, who has been imprisoned in Mexico for more than 100 days after mistakenly carrying three firearms — that he legally owns in America — across the border.

“[Just] one phone call — and I mean a strong phone call — and he would be released in a second,” Mr. Trump said.

Meanwhile, social media posters expressed outrage on GretaWire.com, Greta Van Susteren’s blog, on the breaking announcement of Sgt. Tahmooressi’s continued imprisonment.

One wrote: “FREE TAHMOORESSI! NOW! Obama … Shame on you! You are a disgrace!”

SEE ALSO: Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi to get day in Mexican court after 101 days in custody

Another: “Now is the time for FOX news to help and start every news hour to boycott Mexico don’t vacation there don’t buy any thing made there.”

And yet another: “Obama and Kerry have done NOTHING to help this Marine. Is it because they hate Americans owning guns?”

Sgt. Tahmooressi’s attorney remains hopeful that his client will secure release at the next hearing, set for Aug. 4. Sgt. Tahmooressi, 26, has been locked up since March 31 after mistakenly entering Mexico with guns in the trunk of his vehicle. The Wednesday hearing was his first appearance in court.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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