- Wednesday, January 8, 2014

It is essential for consumers to know that in June, the Food and Drug Administration made important updates to its position on BPA (“BPA questions and answers: Is it safe?” Web, Jan. 6). These updates were based substantially on research conducted by the agency itself. A review of FDA’s website unambiguously answers the key question of whether BPA is safe: Yes, period. However, that is not what a reader would have taken away from Laura Sesana’s column.

BPA is one of the most tested chemicals in commerce. In recent years, the FDA has reviewed hundreds of BPA studies and conducted its own comprehensive research program and concluded that BPA is safe in FDA-regulated food-contact uses. The FDA isn’t alone. Its position is consistent with the consensus of its global counterparts, including those in Canada, Europe, Japan and Australia. Further, the results of an extensive subchronic toxicity study, also conducted by the FDA and expected to be published early this year, will provide additional strong support for the safety of BPA. Times readers should be privy to the most up-to-date and accurate information, including the FDA’s definitive statements around BPA safety.

Polycarbonate/BPA Global Group
American Chemistry Council

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