- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

“Pentagon pivots to social issues” (Page 1, Jan. 2) questions whether “the Pentagon is taking its eye off the ball — the enemy.” As someone who worked at a military hospital for many years, I find it very disheartening to read the words of Ken Allard, who states that “we are seemingly concerned about everything except the most basic thing: how to fight and win the nation’s wars. If we have forgotten that constraint, let me assure you that our enemies have not.”

The Pentagon “wants women introduced into combat units in sizable numbers to develop mentoring and female camaraderie.” Knowing that our military has forged female friendships certainly reassures me of my safety in the event America is attacked. Six female Marine officers all failed or dropped out of the mandatory combat-qualifications course because of injuries. To me, this demonstrates that women actually are the weaker sex.

While the article states that the U.S. Army does not provide hormone therapy for a sex change, the “gay rights movement, a big supporter of [President] Obama, has demanded that the military ranks be open to transgenders as well as gays.” The good news here appears to be that there could be few injuries from future wars because our enemies will be too busy laughing themselves to death.

It is sad to see the people of the United States being put in harm’s way to protect gender sensitivities.

Silver Spring

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