I just received the year-end letter of Sen. Mark R. Warner, Virginia Democrat, in which Mr. Warner talked about 2013 in Congress. Despite charges of this Congress being unproductive, Mr. Warner was encouraged by the recent budget negotiations and what he thinks will be good for Virginia businesses. Mr. Warner also mentioned his other priorities, such as protecting military whistleblowers, transparency and accountability in federal spending and housing. These are all worthy activities.
However, glaringly absent was any mention of Obamacare. This was a surprise because Mr. Warner was a very vocal supporter of Obamacare. In fact, Mr. Warner has been quoted as echoing the president’s now-infamous statements about how anyone who likes their health plans and doctors can keep them. Mr. Warner also said that he would not support any health care law that would not allow people to keep their health plans and doctors. We all know now that the president’s “misstatements” were deliberate lies to the American people. Does this mean Mr. Warner lied to the people of Virginia?
Mr. Warner, along with every other Democrat in the Senate, has been a proponent of enacting and implementing Obamacare, which the American people reject further the more they learn about it. This has been evidenced by the horribly mismanaged Obamacare rollout and the millions of people who have lost or soon will lose their current plans and doctors, and who will see their health premiums and deductibles increase. Obamacare will have a wildly negative impact on everyone in the commonwealth of Virginia.
Why didn’t Sen. Warner include his position on Obamacare in his year-end letter? Could it be that maybe he just forgot to include it — or did he deliberately leave any mention of it out because he is seeking re-election and is afraid that Virginia voters will hold him accountable for his actions? I think it is the latter. So I ask the senator: Where is your support for Obamacare? Did you read the bill before you voted for it? When you stood beside the president and supported Obamacare, were you lying, too?
If Mr. Warner wants to be re-elected, he should have the courage to tell Virginia voters why he echoed the president. He should also tell us where he currently stands on Obamacare, now that he knows hundreds of thousands of Virginia residents will lose their doctors and medical coverage when the employer mandates go into effect. Sadly, Mr. Warner has demonstrated a lack of courage by failing to be honest with Virginia voters. Without the courage to be honest, Mr. Warner doesn’t deserve to be our senator.
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