- Friday, January 31, 2014

I was extremely annoyed at President Obama’s State of the Union address, as well as the response the speech got from Republicans. As an independent voter, I can’t understand how the Republicans can ignore Mr. Obama’s veiled threats to bypass Congress, nor how they can fail to take issue with his failing socialist agenda.

When Mr. Obama spoke about building up our infrastructure and putting people to work, why didn’t Republicans mention the billions of dollars Mr. Obama spent on “shovel-ready” infrastructure projects when he first became president?

When Mr. Obama mentioned the United States being the top country in the world in the solar industry, why didn’t Republicans mention the millions of taxpayer dollars lost in bankrupt solar companies?

When he said that oil exports were at an all-time high, no one asked who benefited from said production, because it hasn’t been “we, the people.”

Our president also had the gall to exploit a few suffering people to push his agenda. One woman lost her job after buying a new home, so naturally we should extend unemployment benefits. No mention was given to Mr. Obama’s crippling policies that have so caused the workforce to suffer.

Another woman needed an operation because of a pre-existing condition; naturally, we should embrace Obamacare, right? However, no mention was given to the 5 million people who lost their health insurance as a result of the law’s implementation.

Mr. Obama’s last insult to ingratiate himself with us veterans was to use a severely wounded and disfigured Army sergeant in his quest for favor. Being a 100 percent disabled Marine Vietnam War veteran, I take umbrage with this offensive ploy of using vets to promote his agenda.

On two separate occasions, Mr. Obama has threatened our compensation checks if the debt ceiling was not raised. A pox on both the Democrat and the Republican houses — one for doing wrong; the other for not challenging that wrongdoing.


Warrenville, S.C.

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