- Thursday, January 30, 2014

Young America’s Foundation (YAF) has released new, conclusive poll findings conducted by the polling company, inc., and the results are dismal for the future of Obamacare.

It is no secret that Obamacare needs at least 40 percent of young, healthy people between the ages of 18 and 34 to enroll in order to avoid even higher costs for all enrollees, but enrollment numbers are low. The Foundation’s poll found that just 18 percent of young people are “likely to enroll” in Obamacare compared to a whopping 46 percent who are “not likely to enroll.” This information should be particularly alarming for the Obama administration, as they need young people to enroll in order for the program to be successful.

The administration is quick to blame lower than expected youth enrollment on a bad public relations campaign. However, the fact is young people are no longer buying what the administration is selling. Young adults are feeling “buyers remorse” from their support of Mr. Obama and realize they were duped by empty rhetoric. Free health care was promised to young Americans, but now young people are expected to subsidize the health care of the older generation, through premiums that have nearly doubled. There are few, if any, incentives for young, healthy people to purchase insurance, and the truth is, they cannot afford skyrocketing premiums. Young people know better than to continue trusting an administration that lies and places undue burden on the backs of the very people who were once its most enthusiastic supporters.

YAF’s poll also shows that Obamacare has turned off young people to the federal government and its programs. Millennials believe government programs to be inefficient and intrusive. The poll results found that 48 percent of young people believe the government is “too big” compared to only 4 percent who thought it was “too small,” a 12-to-1 ratio.

There is even more ominous news for the future of big government programs: 62 percent of those surveyed expressed less confidence in the federal government’s handling of major programs after the botched Obamacare rollout as opposed to only 10 percent who have more confidence.

Sadly, it is our nation’s young people who are suffering the most under this current administration’s policies. When surveyed, 34 percent of young people believe that they will be worse off under Obamacare, compared to 19 percent who believe they will be better off. This is probably the most startling finding because the administration has touted the fact that those under the age of 26 can remain on their parents health care plan. Why is it that they would believe they are worse off after the Obamacare implementation? Clearly, the benefit for young people to stay on their parents healthc are plans is not resounding with our nation’s youth.

The poll shows that the message of limited government, free-markets, and pro-freedom solutions really resonate with young people, but half of the battle is advancing and promoting that message. The only way that the economic situation will improve is if our nation’s leaders are willing to respond to the real fiscal issues of the day instead of putting temporary Band-Aids on them. More government programs and wasteful government spending are only hurting today’s youth, not helping them. Our young people are struggling to be financially independent and want more freedom — not the government dictating what they can and cannot do. Young people are in tune to the severe hardships they face and are disappointed with our nation’s policymakers, who continue to place financial burden on their backs.

Real economic reform means real solutions, and this is what conservatives have always been able to deliver. They cannot do it by remaining silent. America’s youth need a beacon of hope — leaders who will hold government accountable and stop the out-of-control spending. Young people need a champion, someone who will advocate for them in Washington. America’s millennials are fed up with empty rhetoric and broken promises about hope and change.

Ashley Pratte is the program officer for public relations at Young America’s Foundation.

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