- The Washington Times - Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rep. Steve King, Iowa Republican, chastised President Obama Tuesday for ignoring Congress on big-ticket items — for example, a new executive order to raise the minimum wage for new federal contract workers — saying lawmakers on Capitol Hill need to act to rein in the Executive Branch.

“This Congress should lay out the violations that the president’s had, and there are many,” Mr. King said on CNN’s “New Day.” “He goes through the immigration piece, No Child Left Behind, welfare-to-work, many of those components — Obamacare itself is probably the clearest one. When the president extended the employer mandate for a year, clearly it’s unconstitutional because the law says that the employer mandate shall commence each month after December of 2013.”

“We need to lay that all out — I think we should bring a resolution to the floor and say so, and restrain this president from his extraconstitutional behaviors,” Mr. King said, while noting that he has declined to use the word “impeach.”

As for the minimum-wage issue, Mr. King claimed increasing it will cost jobs.

“The minimum wage is [the] government interfering in between the relationship between the employer and the employee,” he said. “I think that what we should have done is left the minimum wage alone and just let it drift away and let the economy grow the way that it [shall].”

• David Sherfinski can be reached at dsherfinski@washingtontimes.com.

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