- Tuesday, January 28, 2014

By now, everyone who follows politics is aware of Texas gubernatorial candidate and darling of the left Wendy Davis and her casual relationship with the full details of her single-mom-in-a-trailer-to-Harvard-Law-School biography (“A ’log cabin’ of gossamer,” Comment & Analysis, Jan. 24).

Ms. Davis’ propensity to avoid telling the whole truth about herself was evident as early as 1996, when she ran unsuccessfully for a seat on the Fort Worth, Texas, City Council. As reported by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Ms. Davis’ campaign flier contained a number of flattering quotes about her. Among the endorsers was one Jerry Russell, who claimed that she was “a fighter and a winner” who is “extraordinarily level-headed and fair-minded.”

Mr. Russell is identified only as “Founder, Stage West,” a well-known dinner-theater venue in the city. The flier pointedly omits the capacity in which he would presumably know her best; namely, as her father.

That first political campaign also revealed something else about Ms. Davis: She is doggedly vindictive. Amazingly, she sued the Star-Telegram for criticizing her negative, misleading campaign and for endorsing her opponent, claiming damage to her mental health and impairment of her “right to pursue public office.”

Upon the court’s naturally granting the newspaper a summary judgment against her frivolous suit, she had the temerity to file an appeal. After the appellate court unanimously ruled against her, she even tried to appeal to the Texas Supreme Court, which, by refusing to hear her case, let the verdicts of the lower courts stand.

Someone should tell Wendy Davis to follow President Harry Truman’s advice: “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” Come to think of it, though, anyone who would tell her as much in this political climate would be accused of sexism.



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