- The Washington Times - Tuesday, January 21, 2014

President Obama is laying the groundwork for the anti-Christ to slide into his biblically based role and seize worldly power, said one pastor during a sit-down interview on Fox News with Bill O’Reilly.


By making people more and more dependent upon government, said the Rev. Robert Jeffress, Mediaite reported. And that opens the doors for the loss of individual freedoms — and the rise of a replacement, in the form of a despotic leader.

Mr. Obama’s role in this journey is “conditioning” people to rely on the government, Mr. Jeffress said, during the Fox interview. That plays into prophesies of a “future world dictator before Christ returns who’s going to usurp people’s personal rights [and] change God’s laws … without any opposition,” the pastor said. “So people will have been conditioned long before the anti-Christ comes to accept government overreach, and that’s what you’re seeing with President Obama,” he went on.

Mr. Jeffress specified that he’s “not saying President Obama is the anti-Christ. In fact, I’m sure he’s not, because the anti-Christ is going to have higher poll numbers.”

But Mr. Obama is paving the path — namely with his birth control mandate and his reach-out to gays with his “redefinition of marriage,” he said, Mediaite reported. Gay marriage is a “counterfeit” of real marriage, he added, and “whenever you say marriage is whatever you want it to be … people say why bother getting married at all.”

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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