- Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen wants to pay bonuses to employees at the IRS (“Embattled IRS plans employee bonuses for 2013 work to ’boost morale,’” Web, Feb. 3).

If he wants to pay them, fine — let him take the money out of his own pocket, not mine. I am broke.

Not only does Mr. Koskinen want to give IRS employees bonuses, his reasoning is absurd. “To retain current employees” is a typical, illogical political statement.

First, why would these employees want to leave the government’s employ? They have a guaranteed job for life, can’t get fired, have fantastic benefits and a good salary.

If they left, where would they go? There are no other jobs with this kind of security. Now, Mr. Koskinen wants to give these workers a bonus for doing their job. Or perhaps this is an “I scratch your back, you scratch mine” move.

There are so many people being paid to work in government, I don’t think anyone really knows what they are doing. What would happen if a real business manager were assigned to the commissioner’s job.

Would he want to pay “bonuses” to these people? It is unbelievable what we taxpayers are putting up with. Mr. Koskinen should be removed from his position for suggesting this.


Middle River, Md

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