- Friday, February 28, 2014

Thank you President Obama for your timely remarks yesterday in Chicago about mentoring young black men through the “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative.

If I can be so bold, let me just further explain the deeper meaning of your courageous speech.

Mr. President, the left is truly trying to distract blacks with indignation over perceived injustices that they accept a government controlled by the left as their only salvation.

Once you buy into to their vision, you see the world through a paranoid and pessimistic prism where everything is an intricate network out to exclude you regardless of race, class, or gender.

You cannot be judged on your own merits, rather you would be more likely to fail because you are merely not in the right group or club.

And while knowing the right people may very well be advantageous, that does not mean the opposite is necessarily correct. Not knowing the right people is not a detriment, rather it is a problem which retains the ability to either be solved or simply ignored and bypassed by trailblazing your own path.

Mr. President, when you go looking for a negative confirmation of bias everywhere you turn, you most certainly will invariably find what you seek.

This is not due to its existence, but rather because you desire so passionately for it to exist.

In turn, you develop a chip on your shoulder. It is that chip, more than anything else, that causes strangers to react negatively.

It is not always about you. The only person that thinks it is always about you is you.

Again, thank you Mr. President.

Armstrong Williams is the author of the new book Reawakening Virtues 


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