- The Washington Times - Monday, February 24, 2014

President Obama will meet with House Speaker John A. Boehner on Tuesday morning in the Oval Office, according to the White House.

The meeting with the Ohio Republican comes amid Mr. Obama’s “year of action,” in which he’s vowed to work around Congress through executive action wherever possible.

Despite that pledge, Mr. Obama continues to push Congress — and House Republicans in particular — to act on a variety of issues, including a hike in the nation’s minimum wage to $10.10 and immigration reform, among others.

Mr. Obama on Monday reiterated his desire to work with lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

“This has to be a year of action and I’m eager to work with Congress wherever I can. My hope is, despite this being an election year, there will be occasions where both parties determine that it makes sense to actually get some things done in this town,” the president said.

There have been recent signs of progress, including last year’s passage of a two-year budget deal and this month’s debt-ceiling increase, which came with little drama.

Mr. Obama and Mr. Boehner have sat down periodically over the past few years, including a December 2012 meeting at the White House as the two sides sought to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff that loomed at the end of the year.

Mr. Boehner and other congressional leaders also met with the president last October in the midst of the government shutdown.

The White House released no further details about what will be on Tuesday’s agenda.

• Ben Wolfgang can be reached at bwolfgang@washingtontimes.com.

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