- Monday, February 24, 2014

Secretary of State John Kerry has been everywhere geographically but nowhere diplomatically. His record in one year has comprised failures not only in the Middle East but internationally, including the Pacific theater. He is either naive or does not appreciate the dynamics of foreign policy and diplomacy.

Mr. Kerry’s recent, unsuccessful attempts to move Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in key points of a possible peace treaty with Israel has shown both the intransigence of Mr. Abbas and the shortcomings of a policy designed mostly to pressure Israel for concessions. Mr. Kerry’s frequent warnings to Israel not balanced by similar words to Mr. Abbas have reduced his credibity as a negotiator to zero.

Press conferences and mere words do not make a coherent foreign policy. Based on his current record, Mr. Kerry simply is not the individual for the job. While knowing this now is too little and too late, it was a grievous error during his confirmation proceedings not to question his suitability for the position of secretary of state.


Silver Spring

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