- The Washington Times - Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sen. Ted Cruz issued a strongly worded rebuke against his fellow Republican colleagues regarding a recent debt ceiling vote that he saw as all show, zero substance and outright “trickery” to the American public.

He was referring to the recent Republican cave to White House and Democratic demands to lift the debt ceiling.

“Republican leadership said we want this to pass, but if every senator affirmatively consents to doing it on 51 votes, then we can all cast a vote no, and we can go home to our constituents and say we opposed it,” Mr. Cruz said, in the CNN report. “And listen, that sort of show vote, that sort of trickery to the constituents, is why Congress has a 13 percent approval rating.”

Mr. Cruz said what’s needed on Capitol Hill is more honesty.

“In my view,” he said, in CNN, “we need to be honest with our constituents. And last week, what it was all about was truth and transparency. I think all 45 Republicans should have stood together and said, of course not.”

Senate Republicans decried Mr. Cruz’s attempt to halt the Senate from lifting the debt ceiling a few weeks ago. His block pushed fellow Republicans to come out of the shadows and choose a debt ceiling side — a decision that all constituents could view.

The Senate ultimately broke Mr. Cruz’s filibuster try with a 67-31 vote, with a dozen GOPers crossing partisan lines to cast ballots with the Democrats. The ultimate vote to extend a debt ceiling hike for a year was cast along party lines.

Mr. Cruz, however, said his block at the bill wasn’t intended to hurt other Republicans — but only make the whole process more transparent for voters, CNN reported.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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