- Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The U.N. Committee on Rights of the Child (CRC) is obviously a misnomer. It should instead call itself the Committee on Rights of Some Children, Not All.

Let’s face it: The United Nations is pro-abortion. It proved this further last week when the CRC called out the Vatican “to review its position on abortion, which places obvious risks on the life and health of pregnant girls” and “to amend Canon 1398 relating to abortion with the view to identifying circumstances under which access to abortion can be permitted” (“U.N. demands Vatican ’immediately remove’ child abusers,” Web, Feb. 5).

The United Nations is a discriminatory body which recognizes the rights of some people, but not all. It’s a scientific fact that human life starts at conception, but the United Nations continues to go by its own rules.

With a pregnancy, there is a distinct human being growing inside the womb with its own heart beat, lungs, DNA, etc. So-called “feminists” should never say, “This is my body.” It isn’t.

It’s laughable that the United Nations thinks of itself as a peacemaking body when it supports the greatest threat against peace in the world today: abortion.

The international body should mull over these words from the blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta: “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”


Prairie Village, Kan.

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