- Monday, February 10, 2014

President Obama’s threats to use his “pen and phone” to govern by executive order and sidestep Congress are both arrogant and thoroughly unconstitutional (“Obama’s ’pen and phone’ vs. Constitution’s checks and balances,” Commentary, Jan. 29).

The president has all but dismissed the legislative branch, the members of which are elected to represent the will of the people in our constitutional republic. Meanwhile, he continues to stack the courts with judicial activists — with the blessing of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s leftist cronies in the Senate.

Executive orders were originally intended to help the president clarify existing laws in which there was ambiguity. They were not mean to help create or codify new legislation. The Constitution expressly prohibits the president from instituting his own laws.

Patriotic Americans must refuse to stand silently by while leftists take our nation apart plank by plank. There is growing support for impeachment in the House and across our nation.

Whether drafting articles of impeachment makes sense politically or is simply a good tactic to keep a tyrant preoccupied with something other than abusing power, it is our duty to throw off a proven despot. We must perform our duty as Americans to free ourselves of this tyranny.

Tell Congress that we have specific grievances, and as outlined in our founding documents, we have the duty to call for articles of impeachment against Mr. Obama. Acting as a free people, we can stop the deceit and tyranny of this administration.


Mechanicsville, Va.

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