- Monday, December 22, 2014

On Saturday afternoon, two New York Police Department officers, Wenjin Liu and Raphael Ramos, made the ultimate sacrifice. They were assassinated by man who was a member of the Black Guerilla Family gang and who quoted jihadists on his social media accounts. He said he was going to get revenge for the killing of criminals Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

Meanwhile, on cable there is a network many real Americans refer to as the Karl Marx channel. They call themselves MSNBC. Granted there are more members of the flat earth society than there are viewers of the Karl Marx channel.

MSNBC long ago gave up any pretense of being an objective news source. In fact, their programs seem like little more than a non-stop stream of press releases for radical left-wing groups.

One of the most coveted slots on the Karl Marx channel is held by the “Reverend” Al Sharpton. He hosts a show called “Politics Nation,” which sits at the 6 PM Eastern time slot.

But the real question here is why MSBNC still has Al Sharpton on its network.

A week ago, Mr. Sharpton led a rally protesting the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. At the rally, people chanted, “What do we want? Dead cops.”

What did Mr. Sharpton say about that?


He had to call Sony so they could make their pay off to the racial grievance industry after a hacker group released emails that showed Sony executives making racist comments about President Obama.

Since the self-defense shooting of Brown, an 18-year-old robber with an impressive criminal record, Mr. Sharpton has been front and center in stirring up racial animus.

Mr. Sharpton is famous or perhaps infamous for his own racial animus. He has made anti-Semitic comments. He has made derogatory comments about Mormons, and he apologized. Perhaps his most famous racist rant is against whites. He said, “White folks was [sic] in caves while we was building empires. … We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”

None of that history stopped the Karl Marx channel from giving him a job.

But now the protesters’ rhetoric has led to the murder of two NYPD officers.

What standards does MSNBC have? Well, the answer to that is none. NBC Universal owns MSNBC. Everyone who is shocked and appalled by the murder of those police officers should complain to NBC Universal.

If anyone has the misfortune of watching the Karl Marx channel, you should make notes about who is advertising on MSNBC.

While Mr. Sharpton did not tell people to kill cops, he and others stirred anger among the radical, racist activists and contributed to the wrath that led one of them to kill two New York city police officers.

Mr. Sharpton’s presence on MSNBC is an insult to every brave police officer who goes to work every day, not knowing if they will return home.

Officers Liu and Ramos never returned home from their shifts.

How long will MSNBC continue to give valuable air time to a man who has blood on his hands?

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