- The Washington Times - Saturday, December 20, 2014

Actor, film director and activist Sean Penn said Friday that Sony’s decision to cancel the release of “The Interview” after a North Korean cyber-attack on the company sent a “commanding invitation” to Islamic State militants.

“This week, the distributors who wouldn’t show ’The Interview’ and Sony have sent ISIS a commanding invitation. I believe ISIS will accept the invitation. Pandora’s box is officially open,” Mr. Penn said in an email to Mother Jones.

On Friday the White House officially named North Korea as the culprit behind the hack on Sony that leaked sensitive emails, movie scripts, and other Hollywood secrets in retaliation for the upcoming film, a comedy depicting actors Seth Rogen and James Franco in a plot to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Mr. Penn blasted Sony’s “historic” decision to censor the flick and said that the international community should be worried over the power this decision has given North Korea and other hackers.

“The decision to pull ’The Interview’ is historic. It’s a case of putting short term interests ahead of the long term. If we don’t get the world on board to see that this is a game changer, if this hacking doesn’t frighten the Chinese and the Russians, we’re in for a very different world, a very different country, community, and a very different culture,” Mr. Penn said, adding that the matter should be brought before the UN Security Council.

During an interview on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” Mr. Penn said that film studio’s should boycott “The Interview” distributor until the film is released adding that everyone should take a stand for human rights.

SEE ALSO: George Clooney’s free speech petition gets zero Hollywood support after Sony hacking

“We are all in the human rights business today,” Mr. Penn said.

• Kellan Howell can be reached at khowell@washingtontimes.com.

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