- The Washington Times - Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sen. Marco Rubio took another swipe at Sen. Rand Paul in the senators’ continuing feud over President Obama’s plans for ending the embargo with Cuba, accusing Mr. Paul of adhering to the president’s foreign policy. 

“He just basically repeated the talking points of the president,” the Florida Republican said in a radio interview on The Mark Levin Show on Friday, Mediaite reported. “And that’s fine, he has every right to support the president’s foreign policy if that’s what he wants to line up with. But I’m telling you it isn’t going to work. This notion that somehow by doing this there’s going to be change in Cuba is not true.”

Following the president’s announcement that the U.S. would open diplomatic relations with Cuba, Mr. Rubio accused the president of being “willfully ignorant” and “the worst negotiator” the U.S. has had in decades.

But Mr. Paul said that the president’s plan was “a good idea” and admitted the embargo against the country “just hasn’t worked.”

Mr. Rubio said the Kentucky Republican has “no idea what he is talking about,” prompting a backlash from Mr. Paul on Twitter, accusing Mr. Rubio of “acting like an isolationist.”

“I know people in this community who have family members who were executed by this regime. I know people in this community who served 30, 20 years in jail. I know people in this community who still have loved ones who are being persecuted,” Mr. Rubio said on Friday, adding that the human rights violations in Cuba were too egregious to ignore.

SEE ALSO: Rand Paul trolls Marco Rubio on Twitter as Cuba feud turns nasty

“The president gave away everything and got nothing in return,” he said. “No democratic opening, nothing.”

• Kellan Howell can be reached at khowell@washingtontimes.com.

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