- The Washington Times - Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Favorability of the Republican party jumped 14 points since the GOP’s successful performance in the 2014 midterm elections, and more voters now trust Republicans in Congress more than President Obama to handle the nation’s major issues.

Forty-seven percent of Americans have a favorable impression of the Republican party and 47 percent have a negative view — up from a 33 percent/56 percent favorable/unfavorable split in October and the party’s best standing in eight years, a Washington Post-ABC poll said.

Forty-four percent have a favorable impression of the Democratic party compared to 50 percent who have an unfavorable view, which is actually a slight uptick from a 39 percent/51 percent favorable/unfavorable split in October, but down from a 49 percent/46 percent split in August.

Forty-one percent approve of how President Obama is doing his job, compared to 54 percent who disapprove.

Forty-three percent of Americans trust Republicans in Congress to do a better job coping with the main problems the country faces over the next few years, compared to 39 percent who trust President Obama more.

That’s a reversal from June, when 43 percent trusted Mr. Obama more and 38 percent trusted the GOP in Congress.

Forty-seven percent trust Republicans more on the economy, compared to 38 percent for Mr Obama, and 48 percent trust the GOP more on immigration compared to 39 percent for Mr. Obama.

Majorities disapprove of the way Mr. Obama is handling the economy, immigration issues and international affairs, and a plurality — 48 percent to 43 percent — disapproves of how he’s handling the threat of terrorism.

Still, 52 percent support Mr. Obama’s recent executive actions to grant millions of illegal immigrants in the country temporary amnesty, compared to 44 percent who oppose the move.

Forty-nine percent say Mr. Obama went beyond his authority as president in taking the actions and 47 percent said he acted within his authority. Fifty-one percent say his rationale for taking the action — because Congress would not act on a law — was not a good enough reason, compared to 46 percent who say it was.

Forty-nine percent say Congress should let the actions go forward, compared to 47 percent who think Congress should try to block it, which Republican leaders have vowed to try to do after they return to Washington next month.

The survey of 1,000 adults was conducted Dec. 11-14 and has a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.

• David Sherfinski can be reached at dsherfinski@washingtontimes.com.

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