- Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Just when President Obama thought it was safe to show his face in an American courtroom again, in walks John Wayne in a black robe to deliver one of the greatest legal beatdowns ever suffered by a sitting president.

Except for all the other beatings President Obama has already endured in federal court and from Supreme Court justices, including the ones he himself picked. And this guy still sells himself as some kind of constitutional law expert?

Already, the Supreme Court has ruled against Mr. Obama some 13 times. And that’s just counting the instances where the Supreme Court ruled UNANIMOUSLY that Mr. Obama had overstepped his authority, misread the law, misunderstood basic constitutional concepts or was otherwise out of order.

And this guy went to Harvard Law School? Harvard should strip him of his degree. Or maybe recall him for further remedial instruction on how the whole constitution works.

You know you are way out of your depth when “Saturday Night Live” actually manages to be funny — all because the cast mocks how badly you have perverted the elementary Schoolhouse Rock cartoon “How a bill becomes a law.”

SEE ALSO: Obama amnesty is unconstitutional, federal judge finds

Yes, Mr. President, people are laughing at you right now. Their tears have run dry.

You have taken the presidency and made a mockery of this nation’s cherished system of checks and balances. You have shredded the constitution and used it for compost in your wife’s silly urban garden. You have taken this nation of laws and turned it into a nation of political whims.

The defining moment of America’s birth was when Gen. George Washington surrendered his sword to accept the presidency. Her death will come only if a sitting president decides to do the reverse and reach back for the sword.

It sounds dramatic, but that is what happens when you respond to crushing electoral losses by simply discarding immigration laws that have been legally and constitutionally passed.

That is what happens when you simply dissolve Congress’s authority to act in a particular area because you want absolute authority all to yourself in that area. You want absolute authority to legalize millions of illegal aliens you view as indentured voters who will one day ensure that your party will rule in perpetuity. Your dream is to crush a minority GOP into oblivion.

Luckily for America, Federal District Judge Arthur Schwab does not share the president’s disdain for the law. So he set out to decide how current, constitutionally passed laws — along with Mr. Obama’s new executive action amnesty — apply to a man who stands before him facing deportation.

SEE ALSO: Amnesty fight: Obama admin tells courts they’re powerless to stop executive order

He asked administration lawyers to explain how executive amnesty can apply to certain millions of illegals, but not to Elionardo Juarez-Escobar, an illegal who works for the landscaping business owned by his brother, a U.S. citizen.

More like “family,” not “felon,” noted Judge Schwab, ripping off the president’s own silly explanation for granting amnesty to millions of illegals. Never mind that all his amnesty promises have done more to rip apart families than unite them.

Judge Schwab threw in the president’s face his very own words, explaining over and over again that as chief of the executive branch he simply did not have the authority to grant this amnesty.

“America is a nation of laws,” the president once said, apparently in jest. “I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books.” This was, of course, before Mr. Obama’s party suffered a thrashing at the polls last month and in return the president trashed the Constitution.

“President Obama’s unilateral legislative action violates the separation of powers provided for in the United States Constitution as well as the Take Care Clause, and therefore is unconstitutional,” Judge Schwab declared in his Memorandum Opinion.

One of the most cynical and deceitful aspects to all of this is where the president’s lawyers argue to Judge Schwab that in fact the president did not grant amnesty through executive action. No new or special rights were granted to the illegal aliens Mr. Obama now says are free to stay in the USA. No, his lawyers argued, those granted amnesty could still be deported “at any time.”

It is yet another example of the president tricking people with promises he fully knows cannot be kept.

Come out of the shadows, he told them. You will be safe. Trust me.

Welcome to the new America, hombres!

Charles Hurt can be reached at charleshurt@live.com, and on Twitter at @charleshurt.com.

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