- Sunday, December 14, 2014

“Dereliction of duty” and “a pox on both their houses” are the phrases that come to mind in reviewing the most recent actions of tragic comedy in what we call Congress (“Leadership courts centrist support for $1.1T spending bill as shutdown looms,” Web, Dec. 10).

Once again, our “leaders” brought us to the brink of government shutdown as another short-term spending plan was about to expire, the members scrambling to put into place another eleventh-hour agreement so that they can begin their lengthy holiday recess.

There was no possibility that a clean spending blueprint would be proposed. Rather, we found shenanigans, an unwillingness to fund the Department of Homeland Security for more than a few months and unrelated special-interest “poison pills” inserted into the legislation. A sufficient number of Democrats were willing to accept the provisions.

This latest caper ensures that there is no hope for the House and Senate to emerge from their widespread unpopularity with the American people anytime soon. But why should they care? We re-elect them and for the most part have the bizarre notion that our own representatives and senators are jolly good fellows and that it is the other guy and gal in those other districts and states who are the bums.

The Founding Fathers would surely weep if they were able to witness what has happened to their once-great country that in their era held so much promise. How can the members of Congress not be ashamed?


Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvania

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