Friday, December 12, 2014

Fox News host Sean Hannity ripped House Speaker John Boehner on his show Thursday for what he called a “cowardly” passage of a $1.1 trillion spending bill.

Mr. Hannity likened the speaker to Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber, who has been blasted for his role in selling a deceptive line to the public to pass the health care reform — then bragging about it.

“We’ve got our own Gruber. It’s John Boehner. Boehner is Gruber. He’s full of it,” he said. “He’s not doing his job representing an alternative vision for the country … It seems that he is cowardly. To me … he has an inordinate fear of being blame for a shutdown and no vision to inspire the rest of the country.”

Prior to voicing his view, Mr. Hannity played a video clip of Mr. Boehner talking tough about the president’s executive actions, just two days after the midterm elections.

“John Boehner ’Grubered’ conservatives tonight, and by that I mean, the conservative base in particular,” Mr. Hannity said. “And Michele Bachmann hit the nail on the head — he never would have done this before the election. He has no inspiring vision. And to me, he is everything that is wrong with Washington. He’s a Democratic Party light.”

Of especial outrage to many conservatives was the fact the spending bill did not contain language that blocked funding for President Obama’s executive actions on amnesty.

“In my view, [Mr. Boehner] should not be the speaker,” Mr. Hannity said, adding that he’s pressed for two years for Mr. Boehner to step down. “He should be replaced.”

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