- The Washington Times - Friday, December 12, 2014

Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor, issued a scathing assessment of the Republican-dominated House vote to pass the $1.1 trillion budget bill, despite the inclusion of funding for President Obama’s executive action on amnesty: The GOP flipped off the American voters, she said.

“It’s baffling really,” Mrs. Palin said, Politico reported. “The Republican leadership in the House just flipped American voters the bird by sidelining the new Congress we just elected.”

She made the comments on the heels of a House vote to pass the spending bill, 219-206. GOP leadership has hailed the bill as a means of keeping government operational into the new year — but many in the tea party camp see its passage as a cave to Democratic and White House demands.

“It stinks to high heaven,” Mrs. Palin said, calling the bill the “mother of all unfunded mandates,” like Obamacare and immigration amnesty, Politico reported. “Did arrogant politicians not get the memo that Obama’s agenda was decisively defeated in last month’s historic midterm landslide?”

Mrs. Palin went on, Politico reported: “Good Lord, America just said loud and clear, not just ’no, but ’hell no’ to Obama’s failed policies.”

She also denounced the 162 Republicans who signed on to the bill and said she hoped they faced backlash from their constituents.

“It’s quite nauseating,” she said, Politico reported. “They promised they would do everything in their power to stop Obama’s executive amnesty — I heard their darn campaign speeches promising to do so! — and yet when they have the power to do so — power that we the voters just gave them — they tacitly endorse Obama’s failed agenda.”

Mrs. Palin slammed the vote as yet another “example of the GOP establishment campaigning one way and then governing another,” she said, Politico reported.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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