- Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Obama White House reassured the Islamic State on Thursday that America is not at war with the Islamic State.

IS fighters did not breathe a sigh of relief.

They laughed.

America may not be making war on the Islamic State, but the radical Islamists are making war on America. Thanks to Barack Obama, the next 9/11 will not only have been preventable but will be far more devastating that the first terrorist attacks on America.

Now, the Islamic State will not simply be satisfied with the murder of a few thousand Americans. They want to up the tally.

According to multiple reports, a group in Syria turned over to the West a laptop captured from an IS supporter. That laptop had instructions on how to carry out terrorist attacks in the West. Even more disturbing, on the laptop were instructions for how to create weapons of mass destruction and directions how to weaponize bubonic plague.

IS is threatening to carry out attacks in the United States. Americans are known to be fighting for the Islamic State, and they can re-enter this nation with minimal scrutiny.

There has been a long string of Islamist attacks in America that the mainstream media simply refuse to cover. These include not only the original World Trade Center attacks, the foiled attacks of the mid-’90s, 9/11, the Boston Marathon attack and most recently a serial killer who is a Muslim who targeted homosexuals.

Now, Judicial Watch has made public the warning that has been issued to U.S. law enforcement on the Mexican border that there is a huge security threat. According to the alert, the Islamic State is operating in Juarez and is threatening America with car bombs.

The Obama Regime has been downplaying the threat from Islamic terrorists since the day it came into office. A recent FBI report on domestic terrorist threats listed groups such as Sovereign Citizens, but did not mention Islamic terrorism.

Barack Obama made it a point in his statement on Thursday to point out that he does not have a strategy yet for dealing with the Islamic State. This is beyond negligent. This is criminal.

On Wednesday, White House spokesman Josh Earnest would not even confirm that Obama wants to defeat IS.

This is an organization that engages in mass murder. They engage in genocide and the ethnic cleansing of Christians in the Middle East. They take the concept of convert or die literally. They vow they are going to kill Americans.

When is the Obama Regime going to take this seriously?

Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, the far left went out of its way to claim the Bush Administration knew the attacks were coming and did nothing. The truth is the Clinton Administration had made it impossible for intelligence agencies to share information that could have prevented 9/11.

Now we see another 9/11 coming. This is not even an issue of agencies not being allowed to communicate. This is willful blindness and willful inaction by the Obama Regime.

Another 9/11 is coming.

Americans will die.

Their blood will be on Obama’s hands.

But Barack Obama won’t care. Since he came into office, he has been cheering for and working to help America’s enemies.

He’s still doing that today.

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