- Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The modern Democrat Party pretty much disproves the theory that those who are elected to the Congress are America’s best and brightest.

Sherrod Brown is the personification of what is wrong with Congress, Democrats and liberals.

Mr. Brown regularly rates as one of the most liberal members of the U.S. Senate. While good wines improve with age, the same cannot be said for liberal Democrats.

Mr. Brown’s latest pronouncement is simply an indictment of his intellectual deficiencies and his lack of qualifications to be a U.S. senator.

The Burger King restaurant chain is buying Tim Hortons, a Canadian donut chain. Burger King is a large chain and Hortons is much smaller. But the corporate leadership at Burger King is going to do what is known as an “inversion.”

They will buy Hortons and then move the corporate offices of the new Burger King/Hortons corporation to Canada.

Why would Burger King, an American tradition as well as an American corporation, flee to the great white north that is Canada?

There is one simple reason for doing this.


According to the tax firm KMPG, by making this move, Burger King’s tax burden will drop by 46.4 percent. In 2012, Burger King’s revenue was $1.97 billion.  Taxes on that are not paid in pennies.

When word leaked out that Burger King would make this inversion deal, Sherrod Brown went full liberal. Screaming in absolutely incoherence, in full socialist hormonal rage, he demanded that Americans boycott Burger King.

In Mr. Brown’s world, economic self-interest is the same as treason. Barack Obama, Sherrod Brown and the rest of the left simply expect companies and individuals to fork over their hard-earned tax dollars to the government without any concern about what the government is doing with that money.

In Mr. Brown’s world, real Americans should simply sit down, shut up and open their wallets.

Mr. Brown does not understand the first and most fundamental rules of economics. Individuals and corporations will act in their own enlightened self interest. People change jobs for a high paycheck. People shop at stores with lower prices. Companies move to locations with lower taxes and fewer regulations.

This is not rocket science. It is fundamental economics. It is something real Americans understand. It is something working Americans deal with on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, this shocking lack of understanding of basic economics is on full display in Washington.

There is a reason why Washington cannot balance the budget. There is a reason why Congress has no clue where America’s tax dollars are going. There is a reason why America has a record national debt. U.S. senators like Sherrod Brown, instead of warning about the danger are acting like the Captain of the Titanic demanding full speed ahead.

The problem is not a lack of “patriotism” by Burger King. The problem is a tax code that is given to America by people like Sherrod Brown. The problem is ideologues like Sherrod Brown who insist on pushing their failed ideas on America.

Real Americans should send Whoppers to Sherrod Brown’s office to send a message. Maybe he will understand, freedom means the ability to flee the foolish policies of liberals.

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