- Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Unless coal supporters effectively contest the science cited by the Environmental Protection Agency when promoting its new carbon dioxide regulations, the industry will die in America (“Pummeling coal country,” Web, Aug. 25). It already has died in Ontario and in other jurisdictions where politically correct industry leaders dared not question this, the main excuse behind the “war on coal.”

Why do so few coal leaders bring up the important science issues discussed by Paul Driessen in this op-ed? Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change reports list thousands of peer-reviewed science references debunking the climate scare, so they certainly have plenty of ammunition.

It is because many regard doing so as not worth the personal risk. They apparently would rather see their industry collapse than experience the discomfort that is always the result of successfully contesting powerful enemies. Many senior executives can relatively easily change sectors if their companies go belly up. Either that or simply retire in comfort. Few rank-and-file coal workers have this luxury, however. As Mr. Driessen explains, they will lose their livelihoods, their homes, their dreams and in some cases, even their lives.

If the industry is to survive, coal workers must find new leaders to speak out in their defense, spokespeople who have more courage because they have more “skin in the game.” Political leaders who understand the situation also need to speak out about the science problems with the EPA’s plans. They must clearly state that today’s climate and weather are not extraordinary. There is no convincing evidence that human activity is causing dangerous climate change now or in the foreseeable future. There is no legitimate reason for the EPA to take action against emissions of carbon dioxide.

The choice is simple: Fight to actually win the war on coal, or step aside and let other leaders who will fight take over.


Executive director

International Climate Science Coalition

Ottawa, Ontario

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