- Friday, August 22, 2014

At some point, we all have to say “Enough is enough” with certain forms of partisanship (“Defiant Perry booked on abuse-of-office charges,” Web, Aug. 19). After a certain point, both Democrats and Republicans cross a line where what we are doing has the potential to destroy not only our political opponent, but the core institutions of our great country.

I’m sure the leftists in Austin, Texas, think what they’ve done to Texas Gov. Rick Perry is incredibly cool and wildly aggressive. They’d likely argue that politics is often dirty and rough, and it certainly is. Might this trumped-up indictment weaken Mr. Perry’s future chances in politics? Certainly. Most importantly, however, this is a horrible, dishonorable, Soviet-style destructive attack on our fundamental American values and government structure.

In America, we fight for that which we believe, but we fight honorably. We don’t wield the judiciary to fight a political battle. We Americans are not Hamas terrorists using children and women as shields. We don’t fight in a way that destroys the very ground and civilization on which we all stand. All of us, Democrat and Republican, should speak out against what is being done to Mr. Perry. American lines have been crossed, and those folks in Austin should be ashamed and condemned for their vile actions.


Chevy Chase

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