- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fed up with the antigay, funeral-picketing ways of the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church, one group plans to fight back with a cheeky message of love and acceptance — a very, very big message.

A group purporting to represent “the Lord” is raising money to put up a billboard in Topeka, Kansas, declaring “God Loves Gays,” according to CBS San Francisco. A comedian who runs a humorous “God” Facebook page is behind the efforts, the news website reports.

“A mean lie has been put into the world for thousands of years. The time has come to right this wrong. God loves gay, lesbian and transgendered people. God loves ALL people! Therefore, the LORD shall put up a billboard in Topeka, Kansas, that says ’God Loves Gays.’ The time has come to fight back. With love!” reads the God Loves Gay People website.

The campaign was launched in opposition to the Westboro Baptist Church, according to the group’s Indiegogo crowdfunding webpage.

“The Westboro Baptist Church is a hate group based in Topeka, Kansas. This group protests at the funerals of soldiers, murdered children and more. They carry around with them hate-speech signs that say that God hates gay people,” the fundraising webpage reads.

As of Thursday night, the group was less than $5,000 shy of its $50,000 goal, which would pay for a billboard for 12 months. If the goal is exceeded, the group will either keep the billboard in Topeka up longer or put billboards up in other states, the group said.

• Jennifer Pompi can be reached at jpompi@washingtontimes.com.

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